Tag Archives: special needs

Fear is the looming deadline of adulthood

When your 15yo son is wearing the largest shoe size in the house, has hair everywhere including his chin, and can wear your clothes… suddenly, you realize he’s going to be a legal adult SOON.

And that’s when reality grips you in it’s cold, bony hands… Continue reading Fear is the looming deadline of adulthood

“You are the reason I no longer teach”

In looking through my blog post drafts, I found one that I missed.  In November of 2014, a woman told me “You are the reason I no longer teach.”  Do you know why?

Because my kid has food intolerances (that affect his behavior within minutes) and very severe blood dysregulation.  Which she believed was absolute nonsense.  Let me tell you what else I heard from her…

Continue reading “You are the reason I no longer teach”

When it’s not what you thought it was

So, Girly decided FIRMLY that she wanted to learn violin this year.  I’ve seen her do this before:  when she was 4 years old she decided FIRMLY that she wanted to learn piano and learned the letters A-G so that she could do so (although she insisted “that’s letters, not piano!”)

So… the violin… which is not even close to what she thought it would be.  And it’s definitely highlighting a lot of challenges we have not seen before…

Continue reading When it’s not what you thought it was

A year to focus on executive function

It’s the hot phrase these days, isn’t it?  “Executive function”.  What does that even MEAN, right?  Literally it means “all of the skills needed to execute tasks to meet goals in life”.  And guess what?  My BigGuy doesn’t have any.  Seriously…

Continue reading A year to focus on executive function

Releasing what defines you for powerful results

This isn’t even JUST about homeschooling per se.  It’s about looking at what defines you and being honest about how that profile is serving the larger goals for your life.  My family is examining this 42 ways to Sunday right now…

Continue reading Releasing what defines you for powerful results

Building independence skills

I have thought an awful lot about building independence in my kids.  I’ve written about it here and pondered the maturity changes here.  But recently one of the Parenting Partners took it to a whole new level.  One I never thought of before, but needed to.

Continue reading Building independence skills

When all of that resolution crap creates a breakthrough

I am one of those people that really enjoys a good introspective workbook.  Like a “transformative change” junkie.  One of the things I find is doing these things over time–over and over again–starts to help train your brain to look at yourself a bit more objectively.  That was really helpful this week… Continue reading When all of that resolution crap creates a breakthrough